Thursday, September 19, 2013

state of the nation

It is right to scold them?
During the 2013 State Of The Nation Address of president Aquino there were so many organization in government that were scolded. But for me this is not right because president can do it even with out media so that ta dignity of the people who were part of it will be preserve and the one involve to it will not be bad in the eye of the public. He must also reconsider telling the achievements of this organization so that the it will be balance and he must also talked about the south china sea or the west Philippine sea so that the  action about the issue will be know by Filipino's
But the overall SONA is successful and maybe next year there will be more improvements.


Studying is for what?
If you say studying is just reading books and research papers then taking a test and other written activities your definitely wrong. Studying needs application so there is the subject I.C.T. which a student can apply the thing he learn inside the classroom and learn something new about it so I really love the subject I.C.T.Why? because people like me who doesn't read books regularly can learn a lot by thus applications and work we've been doing.
So I.C.T. is a subject which you can have fun and as well learn a lot